Thursday, March 6, 2014

We've Relocated!

Are you like me, starting each year with a long list of New Year's Resolutions and lots of good intentions?  How's it working for you as of March 6th?  For me, not so impressive.  On my list was the ubiquitous "lose weight" and "exercise daily" plus one that ranks right up there with those two..."Blog regularly".

Similar to exercise resolutions where you run out and buy new yoga pants and a hi-tech stay-dry top that will definitely entice you out of bed at 5am much better than an old vacation t-shirt, I updated my website last year and added the most beautiful leather-bound journal style blog page.  I was certain that I'd be so excited to see the lovely graphics that I'd practically get up earlier than 5am so I could blog before exercising each morning!'s March and today I needed to look up the instructions for accessing my new blog AND this old blog...and NOT at 5am.

They say that hope springs eternal, and I'm nothing if not an optimist.  So today I am wrapping up this blog page and inviting you to visit my new blog.  It can be accessed through our website at

New Blog Design

I hope you will continue to visit with us in our new home!  Thanks!